I was surprised to see Mark Levin discuss the so-called Great Replacement theory on his Fox News show the other night. Levin is not exactly a “far-right” figure. A neoconservative and ex-Never Trumper, he recently dedicated an entire show to attacking American nationalists as shadowy traitors for their insufficient enthusiasm for Ukraine.
The systematic displacement of whites by immigrants from the Third World is not a “theory” but something Democrats have pursued for generations, Levin said:
You will find case after case, after case, where the Democrat Party leadership and the media say exactly the same thing: ‘The browning or the blacking of America,’ ‘reducing the number of the white population.‘ I have said on my radio show for years. Why do they keep talking like this? I don't talk like this? Why do they keep talking like this? That's not the purpose of immigration, to change the complexion of America. What kind of racist nonsense is that?'
Levin is correct: yes, it is racist to gloat about the decline of the white population. It is also incredibly dishonest to pretend that this trend does not exist. The left calls these demographic changes a conspiracy theory, but “the fact is, these things are occurring,” Levin said. “The census says so, Joe Biden says so.”
Levin directly tied the nation’s shifting demographics to the left’s open border agenda and the 1965 Immigration Act that opened America up to the Third World, also known as the Hart Celler Act. When the law passed, Levin recalled, Ted Kennedy, one of its top supporters, vowed that it would not upset the nation’s demographic mix.
Of course, Kennedy was wrong. In 1965, when the law was enacted, the U.S. population was about 84 percent white. Today, that percentage has dropped to less than 60 percent, and in a few decades more, whites will become a minority.
These trends have understandably produced a great deal of anxiety among many Americans. They are facts, not a matter of conjecture, and they are certainly not “conspiracies.” But until recently, it was considered taboo for people on the right to talk about any of this. Only lefties were allowed to discuss the so-called Great Replacement “theory.” They could gloat all they wanted about the “browning of America.” But daring to notice that the left is happy about whites becoming a minority? That makes you a “conspiracy theorist” or worse, a “racist.”
Since the Buffalo shooting, something has shifted. The left has used the attack to paint the entire conservative mainstream with the “replacement theory” brush, forcing mainstream commentators not named Tucker Carlson to address the topic for once. These include Ben Shapiro, who has spent years ignoring the issue and attacking those who dared to broach it.
We seem to be at an inflection point. The Democratic party’s commitment to the replacement scenario has simply become too obvious for the mainstream right to ignore any longer, especially as the left now attempts to use their own avid hopes for demographic change as a blood libel against the right. No figure has taken more flak in this regard than Carlson, whose commentary on the “conspiracy theory” was bold and ahead of the curve.
As they go about using the Buffalo attack to demonize the right, the left’s media propagandists have made no effort, of course, to actually convince the public that the Great Replacement is a “conspiracy.” They simply attack anyone who dares to use their eyes and ears. But it looks like the media’s gaslighting isn’t working. According to an AP poll, about one-third of Americans believe that they are being deliberately replaced by foreigners for political reasons. Where on earth did they get that notion?
The low-IQ regime flunky who covered this poll flatly calls the replacement theory, without providing a shred of evidence, “a false claim that native-born populations are being overrun by nonwhite immigrants who are eroding, and eventually will erase, their culture and values.” It’s always amusing when they make the case for you, no?
Stop noticing things, terrorist
We should call these people “replacement deniers.” I like that term. It shifts the burden to where it belongs. If you’re going to brag about demographic changes, then you don’t get to pretend that those changes aren’t happening. Sorry!
The examples of liberal journalists and Democratic politicians anxiously awaiting the great Browning, like some kind of political Rapture, are too plentiful to list. Here’s just one: in 2015, Joe Biden called it a “strength” that whites will, in the coming years, become an “absolute minority.”
Folks like me who are Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time in 2017 we’ll be in an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority….Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then and on will be white European stock. That’s not a bad thing, that’s a source of our strength.
It’s only recently that mainstream conservatives have started calling Democrats out on this stuff. Don’t think for a second, though, that Democrats will just roll over and allow a candid discussion of this topic. They already have a plan for that.
Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Ny.) made several references to the replacement “conspiracy” in a recent speech promoting his party’s draconian “domestic terrorism” bill, which Schumer explicitly states would help “silence” those on the right who dare to comment on the “theory” without Schumer’s permission.
See how this works? If you dare to notice that Democrats have a racist agenda against whites, you’re a terrorist.
Schumer decried “MAGA Republicans….embracing unhinged conspiracy theories like the Great Replacement, which has been a rallying cry for ultra-nationalists and white supremacists in Europe for years,” and warned, “we cannot let these views become accepted or even the norm in the United States.”
Except the replacement “theory” isn’t a “view,” it’s a demographic fact. The funny thing is that despite Schumer’s alarmist rhetoric, Republicans in Congress haven’t caught up to which way the winds are blowing just yet. There are some notable exceptions, like MTG, Paul Gosar, and Matt Gaetz. Elise Stefanik has also subtly acknowledged white replacement, which is kind of a big deal, seeing that she is in party leadership. But when will Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell follow suit? To ask the question is to answer it.
Who’s making the replacement “theory” mainstream?
Nevertheless, Schumer is right to be worried about the “normalization” of this “theory.” The “Great Replacement” is part and parcel of a toxic, racist agenda that dehumanizes whites, one that has entered the mainstream of the Democratic party under the banner of “equity” and “anti-racism” and which, if exposed to the public, would damage the Democratic party’s political prospects. This arguably is already occurring in the backlash against critical race theory, which is so popular that Democrats have to deny it is being taught.
Nevertheless, the left’s anti-white agenda has become a lot more noticeable to the average person, especially through media coverage of political violence. Like they always do when given the opportunity, the media exploited the Buffalo shooting to implicate all conservatives and implicitly, all whites, in the massacre. It goes without saying that the Buffalo shooter is a sick, mentally ill loser who deserves to be promptly executed for his crimes, and it’s wrong for the media to spread the blame for his acts to their political opponents. If we want civil society, then we have to be able to treat all political violence as equally reprehensible, but we no longer see this from our institutional leaders. On one hand, they exploit and amplify the rare Neo-Nazi attack to go after the right. On the other, without fail they ignore and downplay anti-white terrorism inspired by their hateful rhetoric.
The most graphic example in recent memory occurred in Waukesha, Wisconsin last fall, when a black nationalist maniac rammed his car through a crowd of white Christmas revelers, killing six people including a child, and maiming many others. The attack was far more brutal than January 6th, but you would never know from how the media reported the story. The carnage was framed as being caused by the suspect’s “SUV,” as if the bloodshed were a freak accident, or the inevitable consequence of some physical law. The media took great care to avoid mentioning the race of the man responsible, and within days, the story was gone. Joe Biden didn’t even bother to show up to Waukesha, but you can bet he was in Buffalo days after the shooting there.
If you want to know why the replacement “theory” is going “mainstream,” here’s (part of) your answer. Even a politically disengaged “normie” can sense that there is something off-putting, something insidious about the inability or refusal of mainstream newspapers to treat a racially motivated mass murder as a big story, all because the victims had “privilege” or “the wrong race.”
Does the anti-white media realize how their gaslighting might be radicalizing otherwise well-meaning people? I have noticed a bit of this in my personal life. People who are not particularly conservative have begun to notice the double standards, and they find them disconcerting. How could they feel otherwise? What message does it send when a major terrorist attack vanishes from the headlines in days because the killer belongs to a politically favored class? It sends the message that, actually, Black Lives Matter means that White Lives Don’t.
So yes, the “Great Replacement” is going mainstream, but not for the reasons liars on the left claim. They made it mainstream, and their desperate attempts to continue suppressing the truth will only further radicalize the country.
It is hard to see how we can continue on this path without more white Americans acquiring, despite themselves, a sense of racial identity. This will not end well for the nation. If you want peace in a multi-racial society, it’s not advisable to discriminate against and replace the racial majority group by stealth and then attack them for noticing. If this trend ends up radicalizing more whites in the future, and I suspect that it will, it will lead to further national division, and occasional acts of horrific violence, like we saw in Buffalo.
No matter how you slice it, the demographic transformation, in just a few generations, of a nation that has been majority-white since its inception is a profound change with enormous consequences. This is a trend, in short, that deserves much more open discussion and analysis than it currently receives, but our media has no desire to allow that. You might think journalists would be more curious about how people feel about this trend, but instead, they just want to shut people up.
If you wanted to convince people that there actually is a sinister plot to replace them, you would do exactly what Democrats and the media are doing right now. The more the lying press tries to hush white people for noticing something that is so obviously true, the more fearful, angry, attacked, and paranoid they are likely to feel. From the standpoint of national unity, we should seek to encourage less emphasis on race, and more emphasis on the things Americans have in common.
It's sort of weird the way they say it's not replacement, it's demographic change. Whenever someone lies it's impossible to do so without invoking some illogical. Those are pretty much the same thing. The only difference is like saying a banana and a fruit are not the same. They are not mutually exclusive. It is both.
In that lie they often reveal the truth. A lot of these people are talking about age when talking about demographics. They are conflating the goal or intent, the gain as though mutually exclusive to the cost of achieving that goal. You have to love national economists.
I remember in the UK where replacement is most obvious (we're overcrowded so it's not like immigration has much room to be additive) something very strange happened at the turn of the millennium. Actually a lot of things happened. A lot of people aren't aware of the millennium cult but that's another story. If you don't remember literature from then you might have missed it.
The strange thing is that a major newspaper published the remarkable news that Britain was going to become majority non-white in the future and that it was the first time a population had voluntarily been replaced, that it to let it happen. It's hard to put into words how twisted this was.
It is not a 'theory' if it is actually happening. When empirical evidence taken directly from the national census can point to this fact, to deny it is to be obtuse-or happy that it is happening.
This form of pseudo magic the Left uses to pretend not to notice things happening is not restricted to demographic changes either. From crime stats to economic standards, they will deny objective facts that do not fit the ideology. Or if they do notice, it is only to browbeat conservatives on how it is all their fault and not the policies they enact.